Partner to School Boards Across Ontario.

Trusted By 60,000 Parents, Everyday.

Safe. Secure. Innovative.

Voyago Fleet Services provides complete full stop technical expertise to all Voyago equipment.

Our highly skilled, licensed and experienced technicians follow our vehicle maintenance schedules with precision.

Every Voyago vehicle is monitored and managed to maintain our high expectation for safety, reliability and performance.

Voyago was a pioneer in offering First Aid and CPR Training to our Team leveraging our strength as Ontario Leading Patient Transfer Service.

Efficient. Reliable. On Time.

Voyago maintains one of Ontario's highest ON-TIME performance records meeting every morning and afternoon bell time with precision.

We monitor and track every vehicle with GPS, and manage our routes using state-of-the-art technology. This ensures we provide our partners with the safest route, efficiency and reduce vehicle time on the road.

Daily Runs
Voyago is counted on by more School Boards than any other and we consistently accept more runs, for more students in more cities, every year.
Voyago is the school bus driver Employer of Choice. We love our driver teams and are continuously investing into their skills, their equipment and the future of student mobility. Our employees nominated us a Safest Employer for the third year in 2020.
Petrol Fleet
We operate one of the most advanced modern fleets in Ontario and are committed to Vehicle safety through a dedicated Fleet Services team. We operate petroleum, diesel and some autogas energy saving vehicles. Our fleet consists of 72, 24, and even 6 Passenger units.
Electric Fleet
Our global parent brand Transdev The Mobility Company, is a world leader in the electrification of public transportation. Transdev operates electric passenger, autonomous micro systems, and electric powered schools buses here in Canada and across the globe. Voyago currently operates an Electric School Bus in Waterloo.
Accessible Fleet
Voyago is Accessibility For All. We started out back in 1979 as a Special Needs provider and are proud of the Caring and Professional Service our Drivers and On Board Monitors provide to their students each day.
Voyago safely transports over 40,000 students to and from school everyday. We provide transportation in full 72 passenger vehicles, through to individual students requiring assisted, accessible mobility.

Skilled. Kid-Friendly. Professional.

Voyago hires only the most qualified, compassionate kid-friendly team members.

Our drivers, monitors, dispatch and School administration people are carefully selected, trained and certified to ensure our kids are transported safely.

Voyago employees recently voted us as Canada's Safest Employers.


Voyago has implemented several protocols within our operations that ensure our Employees, Ridership, and Visitors are well protected from possible spread of COVID-19. Our multi-point strategy includes, Daily Active Screening, Personal Hygiene Measures, Personal Protective Equipment, Physical Distancing, Protocol Communications and Training, and Environmental Protection Actions for our facilities and vehicles.


We encourage you to follow your local guidelines to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and make use of  tools available from the Ontario Ministry of Health.

More COVID-19 Advice